Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Karate ministry? Yes, we have a ministry using Karate that meets in our backyard on Mondays from 6:00-7:00 PM. Our goal is to teach all ages, not just self-defense, but how to be at peace with all men, verbally handle situations, build self-confidence, show good stewardship in the physical training of our bodies, apply Scripture to this training, and share the Gospel with visitors.

Here are some kata demonstrations of the first ones new students learn.

Who knows, maybe one of these students will use Karate as a vehicle to take the Gospel to Okinawa. This is a 5 minute video that demonstrates our style of Karate. My teacher has a website that explains many aspects of Shuri-te as well.

Buy a gi for just under $20. Includes shipping. There is a size chart under the description.

In there is a cancellation for any reason such as weather, I will e-mail by 3:00PM.


· As our class is small, we just let the new students blend in and I try to make some special time for them to show the basics but senior students help teach as well.

· We never require a uniform (gi) but they are welcome to wear them. I usually wear mine unless it is really hot or really cold.

· We e-mail by 3:00 if there is a cancellation for weather or something else that comes up and e-mail a week prior if we know karate will be cancelled. If the weather turns bad all of the sudden, we work on close quarters self-defense in the garage.

· You never need to tell me if you will miss karate or explain if your child wants to stop coming. We have had plenty come for a few nights and feel it was not for them. That said, you are welcome to discuss any aspect (good or bad) of karate with me.

· Just e-mail if you want to be taken off the e-mail list.

· As you can tell, I am trying to make this easy for everybody.


We will be offering a Ladies' self-defense classes as needed. Each class is identical, so you only need to commit to one class but would be welcome to attend each to reinforce what you have learned.

Darren Sapp, a black belt in Okinawan Shuri-te Karate since 1995, will be teaching verbal, mental, and physical skills to help you quickly diffuse and/or remove yourself from potentially dangerous situations. One class will not teach you how to handle every situation, but you will begin to develop important skills and a self-defense mindset. Please wear comfortable clothing but know that we will not be doing anything too strenuous. You do not need any previous training or strength level to take this class. Feel free to call or e-mail Darren with any questions at darrensapp@charter.net or 214-477-4039.

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